Whew, whooo doggie, it's been a flurry of activity around these parts of late, eh? I may be pooped but my head is a’-whirl with a zillion projects while some are languishing (ugh) or mid-point…or, just not presentable here yet, so it’s web tripping time!
Web trips are fun! As always, I stockpiled a cool and interesting collection of random or whatever nifty stuff from around the internet for you. And as usual, I see I have quite a collection so it'll be tough to narrow things down for today's web trip!
Let's bake up some Cinnamon Rolls and cozy in! Or jeez, bake up anything and cozy in!
Should we start with color? Yes, let's start with color!
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Go Mike with the fantastic bee, butterfly, coneflower photo in our backyard! |
Because, I'm realizing, or really I should say remembering, I am a joyous fan of big bold color, think it should be used everywhere and often, and it's important to live colorfully. It's happy. Color is happy.
And thank goodness Mike is a fan of bold color too, whew! I knew I loved him for a reason (well, many reasons!).
It's not that I forgot per se, but ya know, sometimes we all get a little tunnel vision and things slip through the cracks.
Dwell has a delightful little tour, 9 Homes in a Range of Hues that are Anything But Barbie Pink. Fun! Super fun. Love all the bright happy copious amounts of color.
Next up, Apartment Therapy has this brief ditty, a before and after: B&A: A Gutted Bathroom Gets a Candy-Colored Redo Full of Clever Ideas. Not many pictures of this space which was a bit of a disappointment, for me anyway, but what is shown is exciting and inspiring.
Sometimes, again for me anyway, all it takes is a small snippet of something to get hyper-inspired and take that in my own direction. Keep your eyes and mind open!
Looking to sell? Or just paint in general? Entrepreneur has this: These Paint Colors Up Your Chances of a Higher Offer Price on Your Home, According to a New Zillow Study.
Seems they could have tightened up that title to just say, hey, use darker colors, make more money. Either way, I wholeheartedly agree about using darker colors because they're awesome and about living life boldly. Do it even if you aren't selling!
The Family Handyman has a tip with Amazon's Paint Finder Makes it Easy to Pick the Right Color. While I have not tried this tool or other similar color picking apps, hopefully it's a great suggestion that works for you!
Hopefully too that little color tour has encouraged you to whip out the paint roller and get at it with some happy happiness in your space!
All right, what else do I have for our web tripping time today....
This, now don't get offended, was an engaging read. Part amusing and part oh well yeah that's true and makes sense and I can't disagree. After all, they are trying to appeal to as many viewers as possible: HGTV is Making Our Homes Boring and Us Sad, One Study Says, from The Washington Post.
Well here, House & Garden knows me: Why You Should Accept That Your House Will Probably Never Be Finished.
I mean. That's me. My house will never ever be finished. Especially since it's an ongoing experiment. As it should be. It keeps things interesting and lively among a myriad of other great motivations, hahaha.
No but really, there are a variety of very valid reasons for this so don't ever feel bad if your house is not "finished."
This kind of rolls into Museum of Failure's The Museum of Failure Challenges How We Think About Mistakes.
First, I never knew there was a Museum of Failure. Huh. Second, spot-on article given my opinion that mistakes are not mistakes, they're learning.
All right, let's wrap this web tripping time up with some humor.
This is funny but mostly heartwarming and sweet so it should bring a smile to your face: This TikToker Built the Most Elaborate House and Pool on His Fence for a Frog by Apartment Therapy.
I used to rescue frogs out of my parent's deep window well all the time so this was extra touching for me.
Buzzfeed comes through with yet another listicle, 13 People Who Tried to Improve Their Home and Failed So, So, So, So, So Miserably. They used more "so"'s than I do but they're so right.
And lastly but definitely not least-ly, an update on the big goofy boy Finn!
Chemo visit number four (of five) was a nerve-wracking appointment. It was ultrasound and x-ray day with a smidge of twilight before his dose which also meant an early morning drop-off, all of which sucks for all of us. Thankfully the vet hurried and we got the most fantastic phone call from the doctor: no cancer spread!
Oh man. What a relief. What a huge huge huge relief. Huge.
Post-appointment has not been fun, poor guy is a bit messed up from the twilight but hopefully things will clear up ASAP.
Otherwise, fabulous news, right?! Iiiii know. What a good boy!
Ok! Catch you real soon with an incredibly cool project! Meantime, dig around for lots of cool projects!
I am so thrilled to hear of FINN's good news. I had a Weim that got Lymphoma at the age of 6. We were able to get treatments for her that gave us 2.5 more years with her before it came back and left her with no quality of life. I have to say it was the hardest thing I had to do. So I glad to hear of his recovery. Love him like he was a person.
ReplyDeleteOh thank you so much! And I am so so so very sorry. What you went through was incredibly gut-wrenching, my heart goes out to you. Dogs truly are the best. Thank you for taking the time to write and send good wishes!